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President Sadyr Japarov participates in opening of new school in Osh city

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov, as part of his working trip to Osh region, opened a new school building named after Iskhak Razzakov in Osh city today, May 6. The press service of the head of state reported.

It is noted that after the earthquake in 2015, the old school building was declared unsafe and the students were transferred to the school-gymnasium named after I.V. Panfilov. At the same time, construction of a new building began, but the project was suspended until 2022. Now the new building, designed for 720 students, is ready for schoolchildren and teachers.

At the same time, nine schools and two kindergartens across the country were opened with online participation of the head of state.

Sadyr Japarov noted that the situation with schools in the republic is almost the same: they are considered unsuitable for use due to the fact that they were damaged as a result of a natural disaster or their service life had expired. Unsafe buildings have been a serious problem for many years.

The President recalled that an active work has been carried out in the republic in recent years to solve the problems of educational institutions to improve the quality of education of children and large-scale construction of schools has begun. He emphasized that over the past three years, 315 schools and 69 kindergartens have been built, and added that the amount of funds allocated to the education sector is growing every year.

Sadyr Japarov called the main goal of the state the construction and renovation of schools, equipping educational organizations with new teaching technologies. He emphasized that every school built is a contribution to the development of the country, and noted that textbooks play a very important role in improving the quality of education in schools. In this regard, 574,000 copies of books were printed last year for 152 million soms.

The head of state told that an analysis showed that, in addition to schools, books and other problems, the main issue of quality education for children is changing teaching methods.

In his speech, Sadyr Japarov wondered how teaching programs meet the needs of the time in the context of the development of information and communication technologies and artificial intelligence. Therefore, the relevant ministry has been tasked with active work in this direction.

As the president noted, during events related to education in schools, he often appeals to parents to work closely with the teaching staff and actively participate in the learning process of their children.

He recalled that Akylman Presidential Lyceum was created in 2023. The main goal is to train highly qualified personnel. Graduates of the lyceum in the future should occupy responsible positions in the republic. They will pass the way from an ordinary employee to the head of a ministry and, perhaps, even take the post of president of the country. Only talented schoolchildren with high academic achievements will be selected for the lyceum.
