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Kyrgyzstani Eduard Kubatov gets into Guinness Book of Records

President of the Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing of the Kyrgyz Republic Eduard Kubatov got into the Guinness Book of Records. Former general director of KTRK Ilim Karypbekov posted on Facebook.

«The news that he himself does not know about, and I found out three days ago, but I was waiting for his return from rotation. He recently returned and is now at Everest base camp, resting and does not even know that Guinness World Records recently registered his world record — Kubatov Eduard Zhumakadyrovich is the oldest person who in the history of climbing Manaslu Peak climbed to the summit — 8,163 meters without oxygen!» Ilim Karypbekov noted.

Recall, Kyrgyzstani Eduard Kubatov conquered the highest peak on Earth — Mount Everest on May 23, 2021. He is fond of mountaineering. On February 3, 2013, the mountaineering expedition, of which he was a member, planted the flag of Kyrgyzstan on Mount Aconcagua in South America.

Eduard Kubatov is the second Kyrgyz to conquer Everest. The first was Dmitry Grekov in 1997.
