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3 people detained in Bishkek for selling psychotropic drugs for 1 million soms

Three citizens were detained in Bishkek for selling potent psychotropic drugs without doctor’s prescriptions. The capital’s Department of Internal Affairs reported.

Information about the suspects was received in the framework of «Doping» raid. Detention took place at the intersection of Chui Avenue and Suyumbaev Street.

«Three pharmacists were detained while trying to sell potent psychotropic drugs, and 2,737 pieces of psychotropic drugs worth 1 million soms were seized from them. The detainees were taken to the investigative service,» the statement says.

The detainees explained that they allegedly bought the drugs from a woman who is a major supplier in Bishkek and Chui region. They told that the wholesale price was 300-500 soms, depending on the drug. Then they sold the drugs at retail for 700 soms.

The detainees were placed in the pre-trial detention center until the end of the investigation. Other persons involved are being identified.
