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World opera soloists to perform in Bishkek

Soloists of the world opera scene will perform in Bishkek with a festive program on March 7. Organizers of the concert informed.

According to them, soprano Jamila Raimbekova and tenor Gor Arsenyan will perform works by Verdi, Puccini, Bizet, Mascagni and Rossini from the outstanding operas «La Traviata», «Tosca», «Masquerade ball» and other works.

Presidential Chamber Orchestra «Manas» conducted by the honored artist of Kyrgyzstan Ernis Asanaliev will take part in the concert.

Jamila Raimbekova has won the European opera scene and today she is the leading soloist of the Volkstheater Rostock in Germany. Gor Arsenyan is the former soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre, and now he is the soloist of the opera house in the city of Trier in Germany.
