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Sooronbai Jeenbekov meets with Prince Karim Aga Khan

The President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sooronbai Jeenbekov met with the Prince Karim Aga Khan during his working visit to the institutions of the European Union.

The Head of State expressed gratitude for the effective implementation by the Aga Khan Foundation of projects in the spheres of education, health, agriculture, small and medium business, and the banking sector of Kyrgyzstan. He also noted the successful functioning of the first campus of the University of Central Asia in Naryn and the Aga Khan School in Osh, which has been providing quality education for 15 years.

We positively note the implementation of programs to support the development of mountain regions and civil society. This is a considerable support.

Sooronbai Jeenbekov

He wished success in future activities and expressed hope that the Aga Khan Development Network would take an active part in the implementation of joint projects and programs in Kyrgyzstan.

The Prince Karim Aga Khan noted that he is grateful to the authorities of Kyrgyzstan for their support and encouragement in the implementation of the foundation’s projects. He stressed the readiness to increase cooperation, noting that all the projects started would be continued.
