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Cabinet plans to use experience of Russian Gazprombank in public procurement

«We plan to ensure 100 percent of procurement next year, including we are in talks with financial institutions so that they can start financing state purchases in the first or second quarter under the adopted budget,» the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Akylbek Japarov told reporters.

According to him, the Russian Gazprombank has a good toolkit — bank guarantees. Kyrgyzstan intends to introduce a similar toolkit at home.

«Previously, our ministries and departments, and there are about 5,800 of them, always received money for purchases in the fourth quarter on a leftover basis. Now we are starting to fund them evenly. God willing, financial instruments and mechanisms will be developed by the end of the year. We need this to become an impetus for import substitution,» the head of the Cabinet said.

«We will ensure efficient use of our money. It will not only support the economies of other countries. You know that more than 67 percent of all money from the budget, which is about $ 1 billion, is spent on imports, on the supply of raw materials and equipment. All this will be purposefully monitored by the state, civil society, and added value will be created. If our businessmen are ready to ensure the appropriate quality, then we are ready to buy goods from them,» he concluded.
