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Sadyr Japarov meets with Prosecutor General of Russia

The President of Kyrgyzstan received the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Igor Krasnov. Press service of the head of state reported.

They exchanged views on issues of cooperation between the prosecutor’s offices of the two countries and ensuring security at the national, regional and international levels.

Sadyr Japarov noted that partnership with Russia is of particular importance for Kyrgyzstan due to the historical and cultural commonality of the two peoples, traditional ties of friendship, common interests in security, politics, economy, military-technical, cultural and humanitarian fields.

He added that fruitful strategic cooperation and comprehensive interaction are developing between the two states. «The Kyrgyz side cherishes and appreciates this. Whatever the trials, they are overcome together on the basis of mutual support,» the President stressed.

In turn, Igor Krasnov noted that the relations between the two countries are developing in a positive manner and with the intention to further strengthen the strategic partnership.

According to him, today the two states are facing common challenges and threats of a cross-border nature — these are extremism, terrorism, illegal migration flows, as well as illegal arms and drug trafficking.

Igor Krasnov also said that agreements were signed between the Prosecutor General’s Office of Kyrgyzstan and the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia, which determine a number of priority areas of joint work for the coming years.

He expressed confidence in further building up joint cooperation and support to each other in solving a number of problems, including those related to transnational crime.

Following the meeting, the parties noted the focus on the development of Kyrgyz-Russian cooperation in order to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as the interests of society for the benefit of the peoples of the two states.
