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Over 5 million soms embezzled at Bishkek Motor Transport enterprise

Prosecutor’s office of Oktyabrskiy district of Bishkek completed an investigation and sent to court the criminal case against officials of Bishkek Passenger Motor Transport enterprise. Press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Kyrgyz Republic reported.

«It was found that officials of the enterprise organized a scheme to systematically withdraw and embezzle money from the cash desk of the company that comes daily from the drivers of passenger buses as revenue, by entering false information into the financial and accounting documents. As a result of the criminal actions, the enterprise suffered damage in the amount of 5,288,500 soms,» the statement says.

The investigation was conducted by the prosecutor’s office of Oktyabrsky district of Bishkek under the Articles 210, 346 (embezzlement or misappropriation of entrusted property, forgery) of the Criminal Code of Kyrgyzstan. It is noted that the damage caused to the state was fully compensated in the course of the investigation. After approval of the indictment, the criminal case was sent to the Oktyabrsky District Court.
