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Three Chinese workers die in coal mine in southern Kyrgyzstan

Three Chinese workers died in a collapse of a coal mine in Uzgen district, Osh region of Kyrgyzstan. Internal Affairs Department of the region reports.

The tragedy took place in the coal mine near Kara-Dobo village in Salam-Alik rural district.

According to law enforcement authorities, during works in the mine, which belongs to ABKE company, a mass of coal and stones collapsed, which covered three workers — citizens of China. One of them is 51 years old, two of them are 49 years old.

The victims’ colleagues pulled the bodies from under the rubble and handed them over to the police. A forensic medical examination has been scheduled and an investigation is underway.

According to preliminary information, the accident was caused by a large rock that fell from a height of 50 meters in the mine.
