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Tattu Mambetalieva: It is necessary to work on new ways of identification

«It is necessary to create conditions for the active development of other identifiers so that people can be identified safely,» Tattu Mambetalieva, the leading partner of the international consortium for the development of digital legislation, Director of Civil Initiative of Internet Policy Public Foundation, said at a briefing today.

According to her, Europe and America began to abandon biometrics a few years ago. This is due to the fact that the system turned out to be dangerous not only for people, but also for the business that collects this data.

«The government agencies and banks have started to collect biometric data, but the reality is that we do not know what will happen to this data tomorrow. Not because the government is bad, but because we do not know how to fully control and protect the data,» Tattu Mambetalieva said.

«Why are companies that collect data facing threats? Because when they accumulated the amount of data, they realized that they needed to spend many times more money on saving the data. They realized that it was unprofitable and expensive. Therefore, we propose to create legislative conditions for other types of identifiers to work, except for biometrics. For example, identification associated with a code word, password, e-signature, various types of certificates. We chased fashion, but we don’t know how dangerous it is,» she concluded.
