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Import of chicken eggs proposed to be banned for six months

The Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of Kyrgyzstan proposes to impose a ban on the import of fresh chicken eggs. The ministry submitted the corresponding draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers for public discussion.

The background statement says that egg production is one of the important sectors of agriculture in Kyrgyzstan and plays a significant role in ensuring the country’s food security.

According to the ministry, over the past two years, local production has approximately doubled and reached 90-100 percent (of demand). In addition, there is a significant increase in the production of eggs in households in the summer-autumn period, and, accordingly, at this time the shelf life of eggs is reduced and the overstocking of warehouses increases.

«Eggs produced in the Kyrgyz Republic meet domestic demand for food products and can also be exported to other countries in the region. Egg exports can be an important source of income for the country and contribute to the development of its economy,» the document says.
