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Financial police promises to put an end to shadow economy

The State Service for Combating Economic Crimes (Financial Police) intends to mobilize all resources to fight against the shadow economy, the head of department Zamirbek Osmonov said today at a meeting with businessmen.

According to him, after broadening of powers the service will start revealing shadow schemes, detection of false bankruptcy facts and pseudo-entrepreneurship, fighting against smuggling.

• 90 percent of the violations are accounted for Bishkek.

«As a new manager I can say that our intentions are assertive. We are ready to talk, to work in good faith, but the same step must be on your part. We know our weaknesses and are ready for criticism. You can call me and my deputies any time. I set the task to chiefs — they need to change the attitude towards you. Now we have broad powers, but one shouldn’t abuse it," Zamirbek Osmonov addressed to the invited entrepreneurs.

We want to do everything possible in order the business to feel relieved, that none of the state agencies hinder you.

Zamirbek Osmonov

Business representatives said that almost everyone has claims to the Customs Service, State Committee for Construction, Tax Service.
