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Cost of unforeseen work on North-South road reaches $ 55 million

The cost of additional and unforeseen works within the first phase of construction of North-South alternative route amounted to $ 55 million. The Ministry of Transport and Roads of Kyrgyzstan informed 24.kg news agency.

According to it, in connection with the complexity of the relief, a detailed working project for this phase and construction of the tunnel through Kok-Art Pass was drawn up in parallel to the construction.

As reported, after the construction of the technological road and approaches to the portals on both sides of the tunnel, an additional topographic survey of the area, where the route will run, and hydrogeological surveys were carried out.

Based on the results obtained, a detailed design for Kazarman-Jalal-Abad section was developed, the document was supplemented by other types of work that were not envisaged in the primary design, which led to a change in the volume and cost of construction, the ministry noted.

In addition, for safety and ensuring the continuous movement of traffic, it became necessary to design and build a gallery for passing the avalanches with a total length of 840 meters in six locations above the road.

The Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Finance were instructed to raise additional funds, negotiations with various organizations, where the Export-Import Bank of China is one of the potential donors, are ongoing, the statement says.

In the first phase of the construction of the alternative North-South road, 98 percent of the total volume of work was completed in the section from Kyzyl-Dzhyldyz village to Aral village, 46 percent- on the section from Kazarman to Jalal-Abad.

In the second phase, which was started in 2016, about 22 percent of the contract amount was disbursed, the statement said.
