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Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund turns into elite business fund

«The Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund has become an elite business fund," Bakyt Torobayev, leader of Onuguu Progress faction said at a meeting of Parliament today.

According to him, now the fund works for the interests of certain persons. Initially, it was created in order to adapt the economy of Kyrgyzstan to the norms of EEU. But this can not be done, because the fund can not send funds for the construction and accreditation of veterinary laboratories.

«Why industrialization of agriculture is not carried out? It is necessary to change the policy of issuing money. Agriculture policy must be changed. Logistics projects should be financed. Only then agriculture will develop," Bakyt Torobayev said.

The fund gives money to a narrow circle of entrepreneurs who have great opportunities. Ordinary farmers can not get the money. They have no opportunities, they can not unite.

Bakyt Torobayev

Today, within the framework of EEU, Russia needs a million tons of apples. If we can deliver them, we will get $ 1 billion. This is income. I ask the government to consider the issue of industrialization of agriculture in the near future. We have nothing but agriculture. Therefore, the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund should direct funds exactly there," he added.
