USD 88.21
EUR 95.66
RUB 0.97

Kyrgyzstan continues to increase gold supplies abroad

For January — July 2023 Kyrgyzstan exported 7.4 tons of gold worth $463.5 million. The National Statistical Committee provided such data.

In just one month, the figure increased 1.5 times, or by 2.6 tons. At the same time, only 64.4 kilograms of gold for $609,600 were exported in 2022 for the same period.

The current data on the volume of gold exports is 115 (!) times higher than the level of 2022.

Switzerland accounts for the main part of exports of the precious metal. At least 5.9 tons worth $374.9 million were exported there. Data for the first half of the year showed exports at the level of 3.9 tons.

It turns out that Kyrgyzstan exported 2 tons of gold to Switzerland during the month.

In addition, the republic supplied 983.3 kilograms of precious metal worth $60 million to Hong Kong and 450.6 kilograms for $28.5 million to the United Arab Emirates.

In 2022, the entire volume of gold at the end of seven months of the year was exported to Turkey. There were no deliveries to this country this year.
