USD 88.33
EUR 95.66
RUB 0.97

Value of exports of goods from Kyrgyzstan to Russia decreases

Kyrgyzstan’s foreign trade turnover increased by 28.3 percent in January-February 2024. The macro-review of the Eurasian Development Bank says.

An 18.4 percent increase in export revenue was formed due to the resumption of supplies of basic metals abroad. There were no exports a year earlier. At the same time, exports to the EAEU countries decreased by 42.5 percent. This happened due to a fall in the value of supplies to Russia (mainly copper products, clothing and accessories) and Kazakhstan (ores and concentrates of precious metals).

The value of imports increased by 30 percent, which was 98 percent provided by an increase in the import of goods from China — machinery, equipment and their parts.
